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Walmart Performance Metrics

Walmart’s goal is to provide its customers with a top-notch experience. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to set some standards all sellers are obligated to meet by signing up an agreement. Walmart calls it a Seller Performance Standards, which consists of five metrics, each measuring specific values based on a percentage of orders or seller response rate. Below you can find a breakdown of these Walmart performance metrics:

Walmart performance metrics

1. Cancellation Rate

Walmart’s standard is below 2% of canceled orders. Canceling an order after receiving it from Walmart increases the rate. The lower the rate, the better your score is. You can find more information about Walmart order cancelation here.

2. On-Time Delivery Rate (OTD)

Walmart’s standard is above 95%. Orders have to be delivered on or before the Expected Delivery Date, which is determined by a few factors: order cutoff time, fulfillment lag time, and transit time. On-Time Delivery best practices are described on this page.

3. Refund Rate

Walmart’s standard is below 6%. It is a percentage of orders refunded for reasons the seller is responsible for, such as an item damaged or incorrect item received.

4. Valid Tracking Rate (VTR)

Walmart’s standard is above 99%. This mainly involves providing a valid tracking number for each order. The tracking number is considered valid if it’s searchable and the customer’s order is suitable for tracking using provided tracking number. Check this guide for details.

5. Seller Response Rate

Walmart’s standard is a rate above 95%. This metric shows the percentage of customer messages responded to within 48 hours of receipt. You can read more about customer messages here.

Sellers who meet those standards and keep them for a longer period can eventually achieve a Pro Seller Badge. This will add a unique badge next to the seller’s name and on the search carousel tab, which can draw attention to your products and significantly increase sales.

You can find more details about Performance Standards in the Guide section of Walmart’s Seller Help Portal. If you have any further questions, you can ask them in the comment section below or contact our support team.

About the Author


This post was written by the GeekSeller team.

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