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Recap and Recordings: Walmart Seller Performance & Shipping Templates Training Sessions (June 14, 2024)

Thank you to everyone who joined our Walmart Marketplace training session on June 14, 2024. During this session, we covered essential topics such as seller performance requirements and shipping templates for Walmart. For those who couldn’t attend or would like to revisit the material, we have provided the recordings below. We also invite you to join our upcoming training sessions to continue enhancing your selling skills and knowledge on the Walmart Marketplace. Stay tuned for more details and updates on future sessions!

Walmart Marketplace Seller Performance Requirements

Link to the video on YouTube.

This video covers Walmart Marketplace seller performance requirements. In this session, we discuss the key metrics and standards that sellers need to meet to maintain their status on the Walmart Marketplace. Topics include order defect rates, on-time shipping, and customer service standards. This training provides valuable insights and practical tips to help sellers improve their performance and succeed on the platform.

Walmart Marketplace Shipping Templates

Link to the video on YouTube.

This video focuses on Walmart Marketplace shipping templates. This session explores how to create, manage, and optimize shipping templates to enhance your delivery process and improve customer satisfaction. Learn the best practices for setting up shipping rules, rates, and regions to streamline your operations on Walmart Marketplace. This training provides detailed guidance and practical tips to help you efficiently manage your shipping strategies and boost your seller performance.

About the Author


This post was written by the GeekSeller team.

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