The Postal Service announced its plans to incorporate USPS Retail Ground and Parcel Select Ground into one enhanced First-Class Package Service (FCPS) product. If approved, changes will take effect on January 8, 2023.
For details, please see this official proposal. In summary, the changes include the following:
- An expansion of the First-Class Package Service product weight limit (currently an ounce-based offering up to 15.999 ounces), up to 70 pounds.
- The size (dimension) limitations for First-Class Package Service will be updated to align with the product consolidation.
- $100 of insurance will be included in the enhanced First-Class Package Service product.
- Cubic pricing tiers will be added to the enhanced First-Class Package Service product, along with Oversized, Dimensional Weight, and Nonstandard Fees.
- The Parcel Select Ground price category will be eliminated from the Parcel Select product to avoid redundancy. Both Parcel Select Ground and USPS Retail Ground will be subsumed under the newly enhanced First-Class Package Service product.
- The Limited Overland Routes price category will be retained and shifted under First-Class Package Service.
- First-Class Package Service will continue to offer both Retail and Commercial price categories, and the Retail category will continue to be sealed against inspection.