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How to Recover from a Walmart Suspension for High On-Time Delivery Rate (OTD)

Getting suspended by Walmart due to a high On-Time Delivery (OTD) rate is a common challenge that many sellers encounter. This metric is critical to maintaining a good standing on the platform because it directly affects customer satisfaction. A high OTD rate means that your orders are not reaching customers within the promised time frame, which can lead to customer complaints, negative reviews, and ultimately, a suspension from Walmart. While this situation can be stressful at first, it’s a problem that can be resolved with a few strategic adjustments. Here are some actionable steps you can take to recover from an OTD-related suspension:

  • Change Your Carrier: If your current carrier consistently fails to deliver orders on time, it’s crucial to switch to a more reliable service. Thanks to Walmart’s new carrier analytics options, you can easily identify which carriers are underperforming. By choosing a better carrier, you can significantly improve your OTD rate and avoid future suspensions.
  • Utilize Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS): Walmart Fulfillment Services is designed to help sellers ensure that their products are delivered on time. By opting for WFS, you entrust Walmart with the fulfillment process, which can greatly enhance your delivery performance and reduce the risk of OTD-related issues.
  • Adjust Lead Time in Fulfillment Settings: Another effective strategy is to modify the lead time in your fulfillment settings. By extending the lead time, you give yourself a buffer to account for any potential delays. This can help in ensuring that your deliveries meet the OTD requirements more consistently.

When appealing a suspension, it’s important to outline the steps you are taking to improve your OTD rate. Mention that you plan to switch to a more reliable carrier, consider using WFS, and adjust your lead time settings. Demonstrating your commitment to these solutions can strengthen your appeal and increase your chances of being reinstated on the platform.

By taking these steps, you can not only recover from a suspension but also improve your overall performance on Walmart, paving the way for long-term success.

About the Author


Tom is a senior customer support representative at GeekSeller with over half a decade of experience in the e-commerce space. Tom enjoys biking, hiking, and painting.

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