Free delivery has become a standard in the e-commerce industry.
This is how various merchants provide shipping:
Amazon Prime provides free two-day shipping on eligible products, if you are not a Prime member, all orders of $49 or more of eligible items across any product category also qualify for FREE Shipping.
Walmart just launched a $49-per-year shipping subscription that nets customers free two-day shipping and free returns.
JET competes with all of this by shipping your purchases for free if your total exceeds $35.
Target keeps the minimum shipping cost to $25.
Below is visual way of comparing these marketplaces:
All orders of $49 or more of eligible items across any product category also qualifies for FREE shipping. With free shipping, your order will be delivered 5-8 business days after all of your items are available to ship, including pre-ordered items. Source.
Amazon Prime
FREE two-day shipping on millions of items. On average, it makes sense if you make more than 15 purchases per year. Please note, Prime members receive free shipping only on Prime-eligible products (which includes over 20 million items).
A big plus of Prime membership is the free same-day delivery and one-hour delivery in eligible ZIP codes.
This also gives you access to Amazon Pantry, where delivery cost is $5.99 for each Prime Pantry box.*
Free 2-5 day shipping on orders over $35, with faster 2-day shipping on essentials.
$50/order or $49/year
If your items total $50 or more and you select “Value Shipping” – your order ships for free!
Walmart started also offering “ShippingPass” – a two day shipping subscription service for a $49 annual fee.
Free shipping on orders over $35 or if you sign up for product subscriptions.