The eBay Global Shipping Program is dedicated to sellers who wish to ship their products internationally easier and have a seller rating of Above Standard or higher. The products eligible for the Global Shipping Program must be located in the US and listed on There are also a few more requirements listed by eBay, which can be reviewed here. (please see “Getting started with the Global Shipping Program” section)

So how does it work? Once an order is placed, all you have to do is ship this order to one of eBay’s domestic shipping centers. eBay will ship the order to the buyer and customs process for you.
There are many customizable options when using the Global Shipping Program. You can specify the list of products enrolled in this program. You don’t have to offer all your products with the Global Shipping Program. You can also narrow down the list of supported countries if needed.
There are no additional fees for joining this program, but please remember that some fees and selling costs may apply to you, including an international fee. You can learn more here.
You can opt out of the Global Shipping Program anytime, but it might take up to 72 hours until fully processed. To opt out of the program, log in to your eBay account and navigate to Manage Shipping Preferences → select Edit beside Global Shipping Program and select Opt Out.
When an international order is placed in your eBay account and you are enrolled in the Global Shipping Program, GeekSeller will import this order and display eBay’s domestic shipping center address this order should be shipped to.