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CoCreate Alibaba 2024 – Day 0

I’m attending Alibaba’s CoCreate 2024 conference in Las Vegas, and I’d like to thank the Alibaba team for the VIP invite! I’m looking forward to the event and networking with everyone. Day 0 was about settling into the hotel and getting familiar with the area. The excitement kicks off tomorrow (Thursday, Sep 5).

This is my second time in Vegas, and I’m thrilled to be back in this vibrant, hot city. I was pleasantly surprised by how organized the airport was—it’s massive, but everything from the ride-share pickup to getting around was a breeze. The conference is being held at the Paris Hotel, one of the city’s most iconic spots.

Today, I picked up my badge, grabbed food and drinks, and explored the casino floor. I had an early night to get ready for what promises to be an exciting day tomorrow.

The event officially kicks off tomorrow, Thursday, September 5, with many exciting presentations and speakers.

I’m honored to be one of the guest speakers in the session: Join the Alibaba.com Partner Program: Maximize Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness, presented by Mattia Miglio (Director of Business Development, NA, Alibaba.com). This exclusive session will feature partners sharing how they’re helping their members and clients source more efficiently and cost-effectively on Alibaba.com. Guest speakers:

  • Randy Peers – President, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
  • Edward Ornelas – President, Inland Empire Chamber of Commerce Region
  • Seth Broman – CEO, Yardline
  • Timothy Nelson, CEO, AVASK
  • Mike McClary – CEO, Amazing.com and Zoof 
  • Brandon Young, CEO, Seller Systems and DataDive 
  • Daniel SodkiewiczCo Founder, GeekSeller 
  • Lisa Friedrich, director of product marketing and strategy, Uship
  • Stella Shen, Head of Affiliate Partnerships, NA, Alibaba.com 

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