Category: Walmart Canada

  • Easy Way to Join Walmart Canada for Walmart US Seller

    If you have been selling on Walmart US for some time and are considering expanding your business to Walmart Canada, there might be an effortless way for you to do so.

  • Sell on Walmart Canada – 2022 Webinar

    On March 9th, 2022, GeekSeller and Walmart Canada representatives hosted a webinar for sellers interested in joining the Canadian Marketplace. The recording covers all of the information you need to sell on Walmart Canada and manage your account with GeekSeller.

  • Walmart Canada Seller Guide

    There are multiple factors sellers need to consider to make their catalog of products and e-commerce business operations top-notch. Read our Walmart Canada seller guide to find out the most valuable tips.

  • Walmart Canada Returns Expectations

    Walmart Canada team has recently updated its Return Policy. In this article you can find the most important changes.

  • How to get more Ratings and Reviews on Walmart Canada

    Walmart Canada is stepping up and expanding faster than ever before. Along with the expansion, customers are getting savvier with online shopping and prone to leave ratings and reviews after the purchase. It goes without saying that a successful strategy in that field leads to more traffic and increased sales conversion. It is now prime…