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Insights from CoCreate: 2024 – Best Selling Home Products on Alibaba

This is one of several blog posts I’ll be sharing from my time at the CoCreate: 2024 event in Las Vegas, hosted by Alibaba. Throughout the event, Alibaba showcased some of the top-selling products across various categories. In this post, I’ll focus on the “Home” category, highlighting some of the trending and best-selling products according to These insights provide a glimpse into the items that are capturing attention in the home decor and lifestyle market.

CoCreate Alibaba 2024 – Day 2

And here we are on the last day of CoCreate 2024 by Alibaba!

There were many fascinating presentations and workshops, but the highlight of the day was the “Pitch the Pros” event, where 15 entrepreneurs showcased their products in front of a distinguished panel.

About GeekSeller
GeekSeller is a multichannel e-commerce platform that centralizes the activities an online seller undertakes in order to run their e-commerce business. This includes product, order, price and quantity management; as well as accounting, inventory planning, and analytics.

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