As a marketplace that mainly offers handmade, vintage, or custom merchandise, Etsy gives a lot of flexibility for sellers in terms of pre and post-purchase experience. Etsy understands that customer care is essential in this branch of e-commerce. Therefore, they created a unique environment where shoppers can really feel special. According to a recent analysis, 25% of repeat purchases to the same shop on Etsy are made during a sale or with a shop coupon. In response, the marketplace has given sellers a new option to create “Thank you” discount coupons which can be sent to the customer after the purchase.

Etsy offers an option to create promo codes for a long time, but this type of coupon is an authentic way to say thank you to your customers for their current order and encourage them to return to your store soon. You can set up a “Thank you” coupon on the Marketing > Sales and discounts section of your Etsy account:

The coupon is fully customizable. You can select if you want to offer a percentage discount, a fixed amount, or maybe free standard shipping for domestic or global addresses. You can also determine which orders should be granted the coupon. It can be applied to orders with a specific number of items or order total. After the setup, your offer will be automatically sent to buyers after fulfillment. Additionally, you can select an option to send your coupon to customers from the last 90 days.

In this section, there are also two other interesting options: Abandoned cart and Favorited item. The first one sends a coupon when a customer puts your item in the cart but does not finalize the purchase, and the second one can be used to award shoppers who favorites your products (in other words – give a like). This gives sellers a whole range of tools to appreciate customers and leave a great impression in any situation.
If you are looking for Etsy integration, you can check our offer here.